by Calvin D Banyan and Gerald F Kein (Author)
What we mean by the word "sleep" is kind of a shorthand for "look and act as if you were asleep," meaning to go deeply relaxed with your eyes closed.
If you use the word “sleep”, explain that it means you want them to go deeply relaxed with their eyes closed, as if they were asleep. And replace the terms “awaken”, “wake up,” etc. with statements like “emerge from hypnosis.”
As a hypnotherapist, know that the client is reporting only what the conscious, rational/analytical mind thinks the problem is. You will gain much more information about the condition when you do hypnosis, especially if you use Age Regression.
"If nicotine is so addicting, why don't have centres across the world to get people off the nicotine patch or gum"
Transference is the phenomenon that occurse when an indivudal applies characteristics to someone, which are not a product of that relationship or the other person's behaviour.
Things to be covered in pre-talk:
Hypnosis is not sleep
Hynosis is a naturally occuring state of mind
You have experienced a form of hypnosis if you:
Have daydreamed
missed an exit on the motorway
cried because you were watching a movie
have become frightened while reading
The hypnotist cannot control you
You cannot be stuck in hypnosis
No one has ever been hurt by hypnosis
All hypnosis is self-hypnosis
The worst thing that can happen is that they could go to sleep and not go into hypnosis
Whie your client is in hypnosis, suggest that you have only spent a few minutes going hypnosis with them. This will increase their time distortion. And, go one step furhter to increase the chances of time distortion, suggest before the session that the session will be brief the first time around. Increase it even more by making the suggestion as on of the last sugestions you make to the client before you emerge them.
After the client emerges, have them estimate the time spent in hypnosis, When they underestimate the time.
Get the hypnotic contract:
After you have completed all preparations, the pre-hypnosis interview and pre-talk, you are ready to begin the hypnosis session. At this time ask them, "Would you like to do hypnosis with me now?" Wait for the client to answer. When he or she responds with a "yes", you have the hypnotic contract.
The hypnotic contract is this: I will respectfully give you instuctions which when followed will guide you into hypnosis. You agree to follow those instructions as I give them.
Simply let them know that if they focus and follow the instructions they will get to enjoy a wonderful hypnotic relaxation.
If there are any further difficulties, you will have to ask yourself, "have I done everything that I need to do to remove all of my client's fears and misconceptions about hypnosis and hypnotherapy?"
"Be a hypnotherapist who masters Age Regression Thersapy. It is truly the Royal High Road of therapies."
Do a Direct Suggestion session first. Then, after you have developed a good working relationship with your client, move on to Age Regression Therapy in a subsequent session, probably the second session.
An ideal client is one that is confident that they can be hypnotized because they have done it successfully in the past. A client is ideal when they are highly suggestible and are ready to accept suggestions from you because she knows that they are going to work.
Age Regression Therapy on the first session for things such as the irrational fear of spiders, flying, and so on. But some cliets aren't able to do the work that quickly.
Unless the client is particularly gifted as a subject, the first session is restricted to direct suggestion only. That session will be
Intake session to gather information about the client
Pre-talk about hypnosis and make sure that the client is ineed going into hypnosis.
When in hypnosis, they will experience a sufficient number of convincers so that they know they were hypnotized
Give suggestions to improve on the issue that they came in to work on.
Let your client know that it's all right they they cough, move or says "I can't hear you" while the session is in progress.
If the client is not able to reach a sufficient level of hypnosis to do the work, then let them have a practice tape to work with before the next session.
The use of waking hypnosis techniques such as the Emotional Freedom Techqniue (EFT) can be useful to reduce feelings of anxiety, either about the session or anxiety in general.
Establish and maintain a leadership role from the start of the session:
It is common for a client to sit back and close their eyes before instruction, this is the perfect time to tell them to open their eyes and not to close them before you ask them to. This helps to establish the pattern of following your instructions.
You can let your clients know that it is natural for their minds to wonder from time to time, if that is normal for them. Have them just gently bring their attention back to you and your suggestions and instructions. The subconscious mind will be able to pick up the information, even if the client is not constantly focused on your suggestions.
Using the words "as if" helps the analytical client accept suggestions more easily. For example, suggesting to an analytical client that when counting from 5 to 1 their relaxation will double, an analytical client might struggle accepting the suggestion. Instead suggest that as counting down from 5 to 1 it will be as if we are doubling the relaxation.
Inserting "as if" into an induction tends to transform an otherwise directive or authoritarian induction or suggestion and soften it somehwat, making it more permissive and less authoritarian. So, if you client is not responding well to a directive approach, inserting "as if" can be a useful way to move from the authoritarian mode to a more permissive mode of delivery.
Know how to dliver a progressive relaxation induction (which should be used less than any other induction), a rapid induction (delivered in about 1 to 4 minutes), and at least one instant induction (delivered in a few seconds). Learn how to delivery the rapid induction and progressive relaxation induction in both a permissive and authoritarian mode.
If a client is not responding well to a particular induction do not tell them that they are not doing well. Never criticize a client, especially when doing a hypnotic induction. Never indicate that a particular induction is not working for them, it will destory their confidece in themself or in you.
According to C. Roy Hunter (Author and Trainer), "The best induction for most of you clients, most of the time, is the one you like best."
If a client opens their eyes duing the induction when you ask them to test whether they can open them, say "You have just tested them to see if they will work. Now close your eyes and relax them to make sure that they won't work"
If a client's eyes open during the session and you are doing therapy, just pass your hand downward in front of the clien'ts eyes and say "Now close your eyes and go deeper."
When you see signs such as Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and flushing of the skin, you ar observing physilogical evidence that hypnosis is occuring.
Ideal hypnotic state in which you want your clients is called somnambulism. The use of the term is misleading if you have medical or psychological training, because you know that the term refers to sleep walking. So, really it should be called “hypnotic somnambulism,”
This state of hypnosis will enable a subject/client to experience amnesia by suggestion. somnambulism is defined as having the client/subject be able to respond to suggestions enabling her to experience positive and negative hallucinations while they are in hypnosis and post-hypnotically.
Tests for somnambulism that clients cannot be aware of failing or cannot fail. The first is deepening by losing the numbers, like that built into the Dave Elman-type inductions. Here the client is instructed to begin to count, letting their mind become more relaxed with each number until the numbers are gone. When the numbers are gone, you have had the client lose the numbers, literally to forget that they were counting or what the next number was. In doing this, you have guided the client into achieving amnesia by suggestion, which is a definition of somnambulism.
First level of somnambulism is the initial amnesic stage, in which a client can experience amnesia for a name or number, etc., because of suggestion.
The second level of somnambulism is the positive hallucination stage. In this stage, your client will be able to “see” a thing that is not really there simply because you suggest that it is.
Deepen by using a convincer. Always use convincers. Convincers are tests you know they will pass.
If you have run a hidden test for somnambulism, then you can be virtually certain that she will pass a test for light (i.e., eye catalepsy) or medium hypnosis (i.e., arm catalepsy).
After your client opens her eyes after being emerged, you have a very suggestible client on your hands. Always suggest that the session was a pleasant experience and that she feels great now.
In a true age regression, the client re-experiences the event as if it were happening all over again. This is called a revivification.
Reasons for failure when attempting Age Regression Therapy using the Affect Bridge Technique or other methods are:
Not obtaining a sufficient level of hypnosis
Not conditioning the client to easily locate feelings
Not checking to ensure that the client is connected to go feeling Not sufficiently emerging the feelings and emotions.
Not connecting the feeling to events in the client's mind
Not being assertive in directing the client to regress
Not encouraging the client to respond quickly to impressions Not knowing how to handle the client's fears
Not speaking in present tense in the regression
Not avoiding the words that can instantly end the regression.
Not knowing how to sufficiently connect the client to the event Not knowing how to keep and increase the client in regression
5-PATH: Five-Phase Abreactive Therapeutic Hypnosis
Direct Suggestion
Age Regression, using Affect Bridge
Forgiveness (and relase) of others
Forgiveness of Self
Parts Mediation Therapy